Presentations - Adventures of Mo
Presentation Descriptions

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Presentation for students in grades K-1:

Where is Mo?

Join Mo’s author and creator, Carol Patton, for an enthusiastic introduction to Mo as she animatedly reads Mo’s first chapter aloud. Patton will encourage students to interact with the story by asking a series of questions to help monitor their understanding.

Questions may include: What state does Mo live in? What does the key unlock? Do they know what city or state they live in? How far away is their hometown from where Mo lives (in Alaska)?

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Presentations for students in grades 2-5:

During guided imagery presentations, students are encouraged to close their eyes to better visualize and engage in these journeys. A short, fun exercise about cardinal directions can also be included upon request.

1.) Space Travelers:
Free Children's BookDuring this guided imagery presentation, students travel in a spaceship on a NASA mission and land on a planet they discovered. BUT, who lives on this planet? Are the aliens friendly or not? While returning to Earth, students learn about the five main layers of the Earth’s atmosphere and then share the highlights of their voyage. Time permitting, they also learn about the planets in our solar system.

2.) Mail Delivery, 1800s Style:

Free Children's BookChannel your inner “Buffalo Bill”! Students are transported back in time to 1860 as Pony Express riders who carry an important message from Missouri to California about Abraham Lincoln being elected US President. During this guided imagery presentation, students experience a fierce thunderstorm and then journey through multiple states. What states do they cross? What animals do they see? Are there mountains or lakes nearby? Where do they sleep? What do they eat? Do they accomplish their mission by delivering the letter?

3.) Up, Up and Away:

Air BalloonThe sky’s the limit in this guided imagery presentation. Students fly across a portion of the US in a hot air balloon. They learn that the pilot heated the air in the balloon, which made it rise. A fierce wind suddenly blows them off course. Where are they now? Students share what they see below. Mountains? An ocean? Animals? What states are they flying over? In what direction do they need to go to return home? What does the pilot need to do to lower the ballon to the ground? (Cool the air.)

4.) Who Invented That?

IdeaStudents learn about the inventors of blue jeans, bubble gum, popsicles, and the light bulb. What states were these inventors from? Where are these states located? Students then spend a few minutes thinking about what they would like to invent or how they would like to positively contribute to our world. Maybe they want to cure cancer, clean the air, or end hunger. They are encouraged to share their ideas aloud.

5.) Soccer Magic:

Free Children's BookIn this guided imagery presentation, students play in a championship soccer match. Every time a student scores a goal, that child is magically transported to a different US city of his or her choice. What’s the city’s name? In which state is the city located? What does the city look like—is there snow on the ground? Is it by an ocean, mountain, or lake? What is that state’s capital? What’s unique about that city compared to where they live?

6.) American Buffet:

Pizza SliceDon’t tune in on an empty stomach! Students are introduced to foods that are popular in different states. Yum. Think: fried pickles in Arkansas, Chicago’s deep-dish pizza, Florida oranges, and of course, Wisconsin cheese. They will learn why these states are known for these foods, and where the states are located on a US map. Now can someone take us to New England for a cup of chowdah?

7.) Rolling on the River:
Wave LakeAll aboard! Students pretend to be aboard a riverboat traveling along the Mississippi River during this guided imagery presentation. What states do they travel through? What is special about each state? What does the riverboat look like? How long is the river? What’s that strange object or creature in the river? Quick, make sure your limbs are inside the vessel!
8.) Searching for (and finding!) Bigfoot
BigfootDo you believe in the legend of Bigfoot? During this guided imagery presentation, students search for clues as to his location and track his gigantic footprints through multiple states. What are the names of these states? Can they find them on a US map? They finally meet Bigfoot. Is he a gentle giant, or truly hairy and scary? Does he have a family? Students discuss and decide his fate. Then they step in his footprints to see how large his feet are compared to their own.
9.) Meet someone famous!
FamousStudents meet four people who changed the course of US history: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, explorers of the American West; Susan B. Anthony, activist for the women’s suffrage (voting rights) movement; and Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon. With help from a time machine, students meet these historical figures and have the opportunity to interview them and/or ask curious questions. Patton will culminate the presentation by asking students how they hope to become famous; what would they like to do to become etched in our nation’s history?
10.) Ninth wonder of the world:
CanyonStudents explore the Grand Canyon while on a whitewater rafting trip down the Colorado River during this guided imagery presentation. What is the Grand Canyon? Where is it? What does it look like? What kind of animals live there? Do people live there? The canyon walls are a whopping 5,000 feet high. At the bottom of one waterfall is a turquoise-colored pool of water. Students navigate their way through fast rapids and then stargaze.
11.) What will the US look like 100 years from now?
Tree-SunDuring this presentation, students create this country’s future, which involves making a wide variety of decisions. Does the US still have 50 states? How do people travel? Do kids go to school? If not, how do they learn? They will share the features of their country with other students while exploring and explaining how it differs from the US that exists today.
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