Adventures of Mo - Media Page

Videos for kids, by kids

These videos are part of The Adventures of Mo, a free online geography program that inspires and empowers kids to share their perspectives of their own unique world. Kids from different US states relay facts, stories, or information related to geography or history from their home state with other kids.

For submission guidelines, contact us at: – hope to hear from you soon!

Nevada – Penny, age 5

Colorado – Elias, age 12

Idaho – Dylan, age 5

Utah – Max, age 12

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Mo’s author and creator, Carol Patton, is among 50 book authors interviewed by Aimee Ravichandran at Abundantly Social, a social media marketing agency.

Patton offers a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes writing of The Adventures of Mo, a free eBook that is part of her free online geography program that bears the same name.


E148: Coach and Entrepreneur Interaction Equals Superb Results

SEPTEMBER 21ST, 2023 | 19:36 | E148

When coaches and entrepreneurs get together amazing things happen. Kris Parsons, branding coach talks about the importance of finding your brand with client, Carol Patton. We discuss Carol’s progress in getting unstuck and moving forward.

Episode 125: Fun Facts about the USA, Guest Carol Patton

NOVEMBER 9TH, 2022 | 27:24 | E125

Carol Patton (episode 84) returns to talk about her latest project, teaching kids about the USA. Carol has uncovered fun facts that can be used by adults in presentations or to stimulate and motivate kids.

Episode 84: Creating Adventures thru Cardinal Directions, Guest, Carol Patton

SEPTEMBER 8TH, 2021 | 24:35 | E84

This week we were joined by Carol Patton, author, and retired journalist. Carol Patton decided to put purpose behind her writing. She created and wrote a free, online children’s series called, The Adventures of Mo. The series takes children on an adventure through the United States and teaches them about cardinal directions. You don’t want to miss this episode.

For media requests or more program information, please send inquiries to:

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