Military Children
Military families usually live in different US states. The Adventures of Mo invites military kids to share their experiences or personal stories about living in those states.
For example, they can tell other kids which state was their favorite. What was special about the land, culture, or people? What was the name of your favorite lake, river, or mountain? What kind of animals live there? Did people dress different? Did they eat different? What was different about your school?
By sharing their experiences, they can teach other kids a little bit about different US states.
There is no cost or payment. Here’s how kids can participate:
Create a Scramble game
Here’s an example:
My name is Steve. I’m 10. My mom is a Sergeant in the US Air Force. I lived in three different states. My favorite was the home of the Grand Canyon. Cacti live there that are taller than me. It’s really hot most of the year so I get to swim a lot. What is this state’s name?
Unscramble these letters –narzoia–or visit www.adventuresofmo.com for the answer.
Submit Scramble games to: info@adventuresofmo.com
Create trivia about any US state and earn $10
Here’s an example:
What state once created a landing strip for Jovians (aliens from Jupiter)?
The state is Wyoming. I lived there when I was 8. My dad is a Captain in the US Army.
–Submitted by Michael, age 10.
Submit trivia to: info@adventuresofmo.com
Create a video
Submit a brief video (15 seconds to 60 seconds) that teaches other kids something about any US state. Click here for examples. Kids may use an avatar to conceal their appearance.
Submit videos to: info@adventuresofmo.com
Make sure to download the free eBook, also called The Adventures of Mo, that can be played as a game. It features 50+ adventure stories about a dog and bird who travel on top of a delivery truck (without the driver’s knowledge) to every US state, searching for the owner of a lost key. Kids guess which state the main characters are visiting based on clues in each chapter. They can also track the characters’ journey across the US while learning cardinal directions.
Join Mo on his exciting journey across America. He can’t wait to meet you!
For media requests or more program information, please send inquiries to: info@adventuresofmo.com.